Release History ==================================== Release and change history for django-scribbler v0.6.0 (Released 2015-10-7) ------------------------------------ This release fixes some lingering issues with Django 1.8 support and integrates Wheel support and features from the latest versions of Tox. Features _________________ - Added Wheel support (#96) - Updated Tox and Travis to work with Tox 2.0+ (#90) - Changed button color on editor - Confirmed Python 3.4 support Bug Fixes _________________ - Fixed issues with Django 1.8 compatibility (#84) v0.5.3 (Released 2014-06-13) ------------------------------------ - Fixed issues with Python 3 compatibility - Fixed issues with Django 1.7+ compatibility - Fixed issues with IE 8 compatibility v0.5.2 (Released 2013-05-02) ------------------------------------ - Fixed issue with scribbler styles overlapping/overriding site styles. See #73 v0.5.1 (Released 2013-03-03) ------------------------------------ - Bug fix release for broken packaging v0.5.0 (Released 2013-03-03) ------------------------------------ This release includes a major refactor of the JS code and adds support for writing client-side plugins for customizing the editor. Features _________________ - Upgraded to CodeMirror 3.02 - Additional build/development utilities and documentation - Started including a minified and optimized version of scribbler.js for production usage - CSS is now built to include the base CodeMirror CSS and does not need to be added to the template separately Bug Fixes _________________ - Fixed a bug where you could not follow an internal link in the scribble content. See #66 Backwards Incompatible Changes __________________________________ The static dependencies (RequireJS, CodeMirror and jQuery) were originally included in the repository but have been removed. These are still included in the final distribution. However, if you installing django-scribbler directly from git these will no longer be available. See the :doc:`contributing guide ` for more information on building/installing an unstable version. v0.4.0 (Released 2013-01-01) ------------------------------------ The length of the slug field has been reduced to fix problems with the unique contraint on MySQL. Upgrading requires running a migration:: migrate scribbler Features _________________ - Top level menu to reveal all editable sections on the page - i18n support and initial French translation thanks to Nicolas Ippolito - Created Transifex group for translations - Added optional parameter to scribble tag to support shared scribbles thanks to David Ray - Added the ability to discard a saved draft Bug Fixes _________________ - Fixed bug with newly included jQuery overriding an existing version. See #53 - Fixed bug with unique index on MySQL thanks to David Ray. See #61 Backwards Incompatible Changes __________________________________ - The fix for #61 reduced the length of the slug field from 255 characters to 64 v0.3.0 (Released 2012-10-26) ------------------------------------ Features _________________ - Autocomplete for Django template tags and filters - New scribble_field template tag to allow editing of fields in arbitrary models v0.2.1 (Released 2012-10-12) ------------------------------------ Bug Fixes _________________ - Preview was broken when scribble was saved due to unique constraint. See #34 v0.2.0 (Released 2012-10-12) ------------------------------------ The editor now saves drafts on the client side by default. Python 3 support is added when using the lastest Django master. There is also some additional documentation. A unique constraint was added and upgrading from v0.1 does require a migration:: migrate scribbler - Added experimental Python >= 3.2 support when using Django 1.5dev - Caktus Consulting Group has taken over the primary development - Added the ability to save as a draft on the client side - Added an official contributing guide Bug Fixes _________________ - Added unique constraint for url/slug pair. South migration is included. v0.1.1 (Released 2012-08-25) ------------------------------------ Minor bug fix release for some JS and CSS issues. Bug Fixes _________________ - Fixed issue with the content editor z-index allowing content in front when open - Fixed issue where links within editable content could not be clicked by editors v0.1.0 (Released 2012-07-28) ------------------------------------ - Initial public release. Features _________________ - Template tag for rendering content blocks - CodeMirror editor integration